November 8, 2024
St. Marghreten | CH - Sulzberg | A
This FLYING UDDER elevation is dedicated to the artist DANIEL SPOERRI for his outstanding creations and to strengthening the presence of women in key positions.
Daniel Spoerri and Barbara Husar's friendship began ten years ago around the hammock made from umbilical cords. Their conversations revolved around meteorites, cabinets of wonder and Daniel always wanted to know about the latest activities of FLYING UDDER.
August 28, 2024
St. Marghreten - Widnau | CH
Opening the UTERINE CATHEDRAL inside of FLYING UDDER in the borderlands of Switzerland and Austria.
This FLYING UDDER elevation above the Alpine Rhine Valley is highlighting FRIENDSHIP and PEACE. The artist invited her siSTARS to celebrate and amplify MILKY WAYS OF JOY, FRIENDSHIP and PEACE on earth.
Each FLYING UDDDER elevation is a performative expedition to birth new perspectives on our global interactions.
Juli 11, 2024
Bludenz Brunnenfeld - Nüziders | A
FLYING UDDER elevation above the Klarenbrunn Factory for all active catalyst for transformation and solution-bearers who unite humanity as one, considering the next seven generations in their actions.
The UNITY GRID (gold-plated hammock made of umbilical cords) is now, after 9 years in Vienna, in the new studio of Barbara Husar in the Klarenbrunn factory.
August 10, 2023
Alberschwende-Lingenau | A
FLYING UDDER elevation for the potential of fungi as future pointing and natural solutions for many current challenges.
Their networks and metabolic functions are capable of correcting numerous man-made imbalances and pollutions. Mushroom tissues are building materials of our future, not only for the health of our soils, bodies and souls, but also in architecture and design.
The fungi communicate their presence on earth with 50 million tons of spores per sun orbit - that corresponds to the weight of 500,000 blue whales. The biodiversity of fungi exceeds the estimated number of all plant species by a factor of ten. They were the first on land and will continue to inspire the consciousness of mammals in many ways. Video
April 29, 2023
Bregenz-NeuAmerika – Schuttannen | A
This FLYING UDDER was dedicated to the beginning of the gold-plating phase of the hammock made of umbilical cords. The UNITY GRID is an instrument to increase the interconnectivity of humans with the world around them. Video
September 12-16, 2022
Maiersreuth | D – Milikov | CZ – Mariánské Lázně | CZ
FLYING UDDER elevation series above the Maiersreuth bathhouse on the occasion of the awarding of the German State Prize for Creative Places. Farmers of the region were invited to view their farms from above. TV contribution from 04:38min
At the Münchensreuth carnival procession in March 2023 FLYING UDDER was given a new perspective.
August 21,2022
Altstätten – Widnau | CH
FLYING UDDER elevation above the Alpine Rhine Valley at the Swiss Balloon Days for peaceful interactions within the diversity of life. This FLYING UDDER elevation is dedicated to all people who nourish peace on our earth.
We started with our pilot Nadja Manser-Nussbaumer and 21 other balloon teams.
May 29, 2022
Berlin Bahnhof Zoo | D
Uterale Kathedrale
For the first time the inside of FLYING UDDER social sculpture became a stage. Through the melting point centrifuge emotional fields of warmness were activated with bees wax. The FLYING UDDER elevation at Bahnhof Zoo is the core sequence of the the current exhibition Be the presence that puts realities into autocorrect- emotional fields of warmness at Hilleckes Gallery in Berlin.
April 23, 2022
Romanshorn | CH
Romanshorner Luftspiele / Romanshorn Air Festival
The social sculpture FLYING UDDER communicated within a multisensual concert experience MILKYWAYS OF PEACE over the largest drinking water reservoir in Europe. With the hot-air balloon above the ship triptych, a completely new constellation was inscribed in seafaring and the history of the stage.
March 16, 2022
Andeer | CH – Pass Lunghin – Sondrio | IT
1001 children’s wishes for the future, inscribed in the leaves of
trees from the four surrounding countries – Germany, Austria,
Switzerland and Italy – were collected by means of a video call by the
artist. The messages travelled in the hot air balloon over the triple
watershed at Pass Lunghin, above which they were handed over to the wind and the flowing directions of the water by Barbara Anna Husar.
August 31, 2021
Hittisau – Langenegg | A FLYING UDDER elevation for the opening of the International Women’s Museums
Conference as a widely visible symbol of peace, sustainability and
solidarity between all women and people. Video by the Women´s Museum Moscow
October 26, 2020
EUTER statt Eurofighter, Roter Berg – Untere Lobau, Vienna | A
FLYING UDDER elevation on the Austrian National Day over Vienna.
Under the honorary protection of Austria’s first lady Doris Schmidauer.
Barbara Anna Husar’s social sculpture FLYING UDDER rises for an appreciative culture of communication
and consciously meets the image of the traditional exhibition of the armed forces with a refreshing impulse.
August 23,2020
Bregenz Air Festival | Bregenzer Luftspiele, Lake of Constance
Symphonikerplatz, Festspielhaus Bregenz - Kaiserstrand, Lochau | A
For the first time our basket was golplated and turned into a stage for a concert between teats, water and air.
This flight initiated the transformation of the art deco motor ship MS Oesterreich into the first historical Art Ship of Europe.
July 13,2020
Kloster Mehrerau, Bregenz – Großdorf, Egg | A
For the first time a female pilot piloted the FLYING UDDER.
This flight was dedicated to all women who, in the current situation,are initiating transformation processes with foresight in order to make our society fit for the future.
July 4, 2020
Hittisau Women’s Museum
Opening act for the exhibition “BIRTH CULTURE. about
giving birth and being born”. FLYING UDDER is a performative expedition
to the birth of new perspectives on our global interaction.
January 5, 2020
Crossing the Alps in an UDDER
Hittisau | A – Casei Gerola, Pavia | I
Barbara Anna Husar enters the third season of her social
sculpture FLYING UDDER by crossing the alps – 4000 m high, more than
100 km/h fast and over a distance of 300 km – marking the prelude of the
new series “UDDER in Change”.
Hittisau Women’s Museum will be the new home of FLYING UDDER in 2020.
July 17, 2019
Bregenz – Riefensberg | A
For a higher visibility of the proclamation of the climate emergency by the Vorarlberg state parliament. In addition to examining all laws, ordinances and subsidies for their compatibility with climate protection and the energy autonomy envisaged by Vorarlberg by 2050, a majority of parliamentarians demand an ecological tax reform.
This step, taken on the basis of the demands made by Greta Thunberg and Fridays for Future, in the perception of larger contexts, is awarded with the visibility of FLYING UDDER.
June 18, 2019
Hard | A – Weiler-Simmerberg im Allgäu | D
Flight for Schule am See. For a higher visibility of the sustainable interaction of the public school at the lake in Hard. The lake school combines education, architecture, cooking culture and integration in a trend-setting dynamic. This holistic interaction currently enables almost 700 children and young people to develop their potential harmoniously.
October 14, 2018
Hittisau | A – Isny im Allgäu | D
Flight for the alps as part of ORF project “Alpsommer”
September 8, 2018
Egg – Hittisau | A
Flight for Festival Walser Herbst 2018 in the context of the Alpabtrieb
September 6, 2018
Lauterach | A – Röthenbach im Allgäu | A
Flight for Festival Walser Herbst 2018
September 5, 2018
Raggal – Thüringerberg | A
Flight for Festival Walser Herbst 2018
August 19, 2018
Raggal | A
Baptism of the airship and premiere flight for Festival Walser Herbst 2018
August 15, 2018
Hittisau im Bregenzerwald | A
Test take off
August 12, 2018
Schweich an der Mosel | D
Test take off at Schroeder Fire Balloons

If you are interested in booking and organizing a flight or want to be informed about upcoming flights please write to fly@husar.solar