olfactoric textile sculpture
fabric, essence of lily of the valley
2005, Receiver Station, smelling lily of the valley, MQ Vienna | A
UTERUS is an avatar of an ancient womb from Uterus Planet. Over there ovaries are uplifted. They wear them like crowns. For us and them the wayshowers for the sperm to the fertile eggs smell similar to lily of the valley.
2020 Culture of Birth - setting up from birthing and being born, Hittisau Women's Museum | A
1998 I had my first encounter with Uterus Planet.
2008, Data Exchange, Museum of Applied Arts, MAK Vienna | A
2020 Uterus on board of the SHIP WITHOUT SEA, Skygarden Vienna | A
2020 Uterus update, SHIP WITHOUT SEA, Skygarden Vienna
olfactoric way showers are guiding the semen
2019, SHIP WITHOUT SEA, set up for onion lard, Vienna | A
alien culture
2020, Hittisau Women´s Museum , Set Up Culture of Birth
2011, HOT DOCK, Funkhaus Dornbirn | A
Uterus Activation Box