WITH ALL MY TRILOBITS, live-animated and interdirected by Barbara Husar during the performative discourse Laboratory Future Horizon - Soirée Fractal Future, MQ, Vienna | 2014
Space eggs epitomize the pure potential of light intelligence and embody the moment before waves turn into particles

In 2012, during a Shiatsu session in Vienna, the artist had a profound out-of-body experience. This transformative event led her to enter what she termed the SPACE EGG Realm: a realm populated solely by SPACE EGGS amidst empty space. SPACE EGGS serve as interstellar messengers of life force. They are embodying a fertile intelligence that aims to catalyze an evolutionary leap through art. They embody the moment before the waves of this mission manifest into particles. Since then, SPACE EGGS have become a recurring theme in Husar's projects, films, and performances. Through their presence, they express a unique artistic quantum realm that is essential for the manifestation of her art.
Im Jahr 2012 hatte die Künstlerin während einer Shiatsu-Behandlung in Wien eine tiefgreifende außerkörperliche Erfahrung. Dieses transformative Ereignis öffnete ihre Augen für neue Sichtweisen auf die Realität. Husar erlebte einen Bewusstseinszustand indem nur SPACE EGGS existieren und leerer Raum. Die SPACE EGGS dienen als interstellare Boten der Lebenskraft und verkörpern eine fruchtbare Intelligenz, deren Ziel es ist, einen evolutionären Bewusstseinssprung durch Kunst zu katalysieren. Sie repräsentieren den Moment, bevor die Wellen dieser Mission sich in Teilchen manifestieren. Seit dieser Erfahrung sind SPACE EGGS allgegenwärtig in Ihren Projekten, Filmen und Performances. Durch ihre Präsenz verkörpern die SPACE EGGS einen einzigartigen künstlerischen Quantenraum, der für die Manifestation von Husar´s Kunst von wesentlicher Bedeutung ist.

Birthing Space Eggs, Candyfactory, Vienna | 2013 photography: Jil Ginko

Interfritteusiale Ovulation, 2012, Photography: Erich Tarmann

preparations for NONLINEAR QUERVERBINDEND, 12C Schnifis | A | 2013
Space eggs are emissaries of a fertile intelligence to catallyze an evolutionary leap through art.

Space eggs serve as primary vessels of life force

exhibition view CIRCLES, Maximilian Hutz Gallery, Hard | A | 2024

Space Egg Performance, Document of Data Exchange, 2013 , South Sinai | EG

meteorite, egg, silver foil, chippan, fire, 2013 Document of Data Exchange South Sinai | EG
crossbreeding while collecting umbilical cords

Photo: Jeremias Söll | 2013

Synaptic Dope, Mixed Media with Stamps on Paper, 2014

12 cows, 8 eggs | Ceiling Painting | Hittisau | A | 2014

exhibition view, NONLINEAR QUERVERBINDEND, 12c Schnifis | A | 2013

performance view, BE THE PRESENCE THAT PUTS REALITIES INTO AUTOCORRECT, Hilleckes Gallery, 2022, Berlin | D
an artistic quantum realm is summoned into existence

SYNAPTIC DOPE, mixed media with stamps on paper, 2014
Space Eggs spin like Derwishes

space egg interpretation of cave painting, south sinai | EG | 2013
A Dragonfly’s Blink or the Cranial Suture in the Sky, 2013