Husar has a collection of almost 2000 stamps, which she understands as a kind of analog hard disk. Just as others keep sketchbooks or diaries, she stores her projects and mind sets in the form of text and image stamps, which are specially made for her. Placed in different contexts, they always produce new statements.
Stefania Pitscheider Soraperra
In ihrem Atelier hat Husar eine Sammlung von fast 2000 Stempeln, die sie als eine Art analoge Festplatte begreift. So wie andere Skizzen- oder Tagebücher führen, speichert sie ihre Projekte in Form von Text- und Bildstempeln ab, die sie eigens anfertigen lässt. In unterschiedliche Kontexte gestellt ergeben sie immer neue Aussagen.
Stefania Pitscheider Soraperra
Stampmaker Mr. Waismayr, Vienna | A
My first stamp was a conceptual statement in which repetition itself is adressed by a gender-neutral Marilyn Monroe with a crown in the shape of an udder. The second depicted two naked women as subjects, jumping out of the comfort zone with deep fryers as parachutes.
harddrive and
Lieben und Haben, 2015, Site specific Intervention, Ausstellungshaus Spoerri, Hadersdorf I A, Photo: Adam Oliver
Stamp specific moves, 2013, Stempelzimmer Brigittenau, Vienna | A